Be Of Strong Character - Keep Your Integrity Intact
We all watch
the news. We have seen the tragedy of
accidents, natural disasters, terrorism, and war.
The scenes are of citizens and military
alike, bodies battered and torn. But
there is a far more disturbing sight.
There is nothing like the sight of an amputated spirit. There is no
prosthetic for that.
Not a month goes past where I do not witness the corporate execution of a soul. And why, why do people murder the character and spirit of others? The intent of such action is to destroy the effectiveness of people that they don't agree with or perhaps fear or envy.
Don't ever let intimidation cause you to sell out. Keep your integrity intact. Don't take the promise of a promotion or the threat of a lesser assignment in trade for your own integrity. What I'm telling you takes courage.
Why am I telling you this, for the reason that at some point you will recall these words spoken to you on this day. You will be in a spot, to make a decision, be of strong character - your integrity is not for sale. Repeat this aloud; my integrity is not for sale.
People know
what the right path is; some never chose to take it.
Do you know why? The right path is a hard
path. When you come to the crossroad chose the path of principle.
When you
find people of such esteemed character, protect their future, don't destroy it;
embrace it. Contributors:
Indiucky; Movie Script: Scent of a Woman